not just pretty things
Francesca is an architect and an instigator.
She grew up in the 70s, adored the 80s, was deeply confused in the 90s, now tuning in with the new millenium.
Trained as an architect in Italy, Belgium, Australia, United kingdom, she has been trapped in a graphic designer’s mind and now inextricabilly taken hostage by cre(ative)-activism.
She enjoys experimenting with the space-making process through the obsessive use of holes, sharp diagonals, bold materials who can breake the 90°degrees box rules. / She really needs now to move on to round surfaces, sustainable materials but most of all to a more equitable collaborative environment.
She works tirelessly across multiple facets of architecture and visual communication with desecrating irony. Her emotional and communicative charge finds its expression in objects and surfaces.
She is a firm believer in the power of shared creativity as an effective instrument to bring about change.
Before founding her studio, she collaborated with several international studios, including ENZO MARI in Milan (IT), Russell Hall in Brisbane (AU), TTSP The Thomas Saunders Partnership in London (UK) Edoardo Milesi in Bergamo, The Hickson Design Partnership in Turin.
Since 2007 she owns and runs FrancescaPeraniEnterprise studio, working in interior architecture, design and art direction.
From 2011 to 2013 she co-owned SpectaculArch! Studio with Architect Sandra Marchesi.
In 2012 she was the first elected female vice-president of Ordine degli Architetti, Bergamo branch (Architecture Association Bergamo); where she coordinated and cofounded the ARCHIDONNE (female architects) collective. /
Since 2011 she lectures on Interior and Graphic Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design, International Master courses. She has been a tutor at Politecnico di Milano, guest lecturer at Universita’ Degli Studi Di Bergamo engineering department, Beijing university – Faculty of Architecture, Donghua University – Rosso Fashion & art school Shanghai, China New Bulgarian University, Design in Sofia.
Currently working on social initiatives: CUTOUTMIX (2016-2022), an open-source platform delivering a more inclusive and diverse world of free cutouts for the architecture community and REBELARCHITETTE. Since 2017 she is curating, togheter with 14 creatives and more than 56 international advisors, ARCHITETTE=WOMEN ARCHITECTS research, a no-profit cultural project, promoting 1000 women’s work in the architecture profession. Work recently exhibited in a dedicated section at LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 2021 Italian Pavillion.
Her work has been published in a number of national and international specialised publications; Urban Cabin project won the third prize at the national award PREMIO ANNA TADDEI 2023, BIG SEE ARCHITECTURE AWARD WINNER with ON-OFF: The Reversible Shop 2023 August, she has been selected to represent Italy at the PIRANESI AWARDS (November 2021), nominated TOP 9 small spaces 2020 DWELL AWARD (2020 December ), TOP 10 interiors 2020 DEZEEN (2020 December ), BIG SEE ARCHITECTURE AWARD WINNER (October 2020) Longlisted DEZEEN AWARD (2020 September). She was awarded a special mention at the international competition Young Designer Adam’o Eva 2008 and was a winner at 2015 Biennale Interieur in Kortrijik in Belgium with the bistrobar design DriedChatroom, in cooperation with Sandra Marchesi and Studio DWA. In 2016 she also placed second place in MOMOWO’s International photographic competition.
Precious talents I had the good fortune to work with:
CLAUDIA MARTINELLI / Asia Cremaschi / Maddalena Ponti / Fabio Arena / Chiara Castellano / Noemi Riva / Chiara Simonelli / Greta Rosso / Maddalena Balduzzi / CHIARA BIROLINI / Nicola Salvi / Ilaria Odoli / Sara Pacati / ILENIA PERLOTTI / Michela Cecconi / Irene Nembrini / Silvia Ravelli / Melina Ricaldes Pardo / Martina Colombari / Silvia Carrara / Giulia Baroni / Anna Noris / Marina Martello / Marco Rizzi / Alessandra Elsidio / LAURA BELOTTI / Giulia Rinaldi / Aurora Rinaldi / Claudia Manenti / Roberta Coria / Gabriele Mautino / Anna Serafini / Sara Pastorino / Ivan Pulcini / Chiara Del Sant / Silvia Pezzetti
always open to new colaborations please get in touch!
THIRD PRIZE Ordine Architetti Modena Urban Cabin / Bergamo, BG, Italy / 2019
BIG SEE ARCHITECTURE AWARD WINNER with ON-OFF: The Reversible Shop with Bloomscape Architecture
PIRANESI AWARD NOMINEE Urban Cabin / Bergamo, BG, Italy /
Exhibited profile at LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA RebelArchitette Italian Pavillion curated by Alessandro Melis
2020 December
Urban Cabin project / TOP 9 small spaces 2020 DWELL AWARD
2020 December
Urban Cabin project / TOP 10 interiors 2020 DEZEEN nomination
2020 October
jury Juergen Mayer H. / Nuno Mateus /Kentaro Takeguchi / Paul Robbrecht /Einar Jarmund / Jonathan Woodroffe/ Jeff Bickert /Bas ten Brinke
2020 September
Urban Cabin project / Longlisted DEZEEN AWARD
winning team / Biennale Interieur in Kortrijik / Belgium / category Space / bistrobar design DRIEDCHATROOM / JURY : Philippe Grohe, Francesca Sarti, Lowie Vermeersch, Noé Duchaufour Lawrance / designer’s team Sandra Marchesi, Studio Dwa, Francesca Perani
2nd place / MOMOWO’s International photographic competition / Documenting Women Designers’ Own Homes / international symposium
special mention / international design competition Young Designer Adam’o Eva / GRAVE / JURY: Alessandro Mendini, Arnaldo Pomodoro, Ed Carpenter, James wine
BUILDNER : MICROHOME International Award Jury member
AIANY Design Awards 2020 / New York’s annual Design Awards
JURY Marlon Blackwell, Stephen Gray,Mariana Ibañez,Andrea Love, Maria Paz de Moura Castro, Francesca Perani.
JURY Maurizio Carta, Lyra Aoko, Claudia Cosentino, Salvatore Di Dio, Jad El Khoury, Miriam Mignemi, Francesca Perani, Florinda Saieva
JURY Mike Tristram, Jun Aizaki, Jose Manuel Ferrero, Francesca Perani, Hans J. Galutera, Dang Ming, George Foussias, Luis Pedra Silva, Wang Guan, Rosie Haslem, Lim Koon Park, Sonya Simmonds, Mustafa Afsaroglu, Minyu Zhang, Meryem Yalçın.
MONUMENT 2020 / Non Architecture Competitions /
JURY Francesca Perani / Fernando Ceña Martínez / Elena Fabrizi/
Claudia Livia / Karol Stern Rull / Nicole Smolenski
DIBLA DESIGN AWARD / Sofia Event Center / Bulgaria / Interior architecture Award
JURY Hasegawa Aoi, Christian Duyckaerts, Luciano Pagani and Angelo Perversi, Radina Gesheva, Francesca Perani, Artem Zverev and Arthur Sharf, Vladislav Kostadinov.
OAB Pavillion / set design competition / Bergamo / Italy /
Ordine degli Architetti di Bergamo + Rodeca at fiera Edil 2013
JURY Elena Sacco, Laura Bettinelli, Francesca Perani Michele Nardo
2011 to date
IED Istituto Europeo di Design / Interior Design
Master Courses Interior Design and Fashion / International Interior Design Courses
Interior architecture / Visual Communication / Portfolio design / trends
2014 to date
UNIVERSITA’ degli studi di Bergamo / Faculty of Engineering
Visting lecturer – Visual Communication in Architecture
Corso integrato di Progettazione architettonica (Tecnologia degli elementi costruttivi eComposizione architettonica) Professors : Fulvio Adobati Giuseppe Ruscica
POLITECNICO DI MILANO / Faculty of Architecture
STUDIO 2 – professor Prof. Gisella Veronese
Visiting lecturer at Beijing university – Faculty of Architecture, Donghua University – Rosso Fashion & art school, Ango studio Shanghai, China New Bulgarian University, Design in Sofia.
27th June 2020 TED X Giardino della Minerva SALERNO Italy – Architettura Plurale: dall’io al noi
27th may 2020 Instagram Live Interview with MARIANAMARTINI STUDIO
3rd May 2020 Instagram Live Interview with Luis Darmendrail Salvo – Chile – HISTORIA ARQUITECTONICA
25th March 2020 PRIME MINISTER SCHOOL Favara – Sicily -Italy with Elena Fabrizi
17th september 2019 Italy Bergamo I MAESTRI DEL PAESAGGIO BERGAMO / Dimore Design/ LANDASCAPE STONES & DESIGN
6/7/8th september 2019 / Italy Rome- MacroAsilo Museum NEW GENERATIONS FESTIVAL / Atlas of emerging Practices / ARCHITECTURE AS ACTIVISM
07 maggio 2019 STEMINTHECITY – IULM Università – LEADHER Personal branding, mentoring e networking raccontati alle leader di domani
30th march 2019 – Italy Milan – Comune di Milano – Uso del linguaggio di Genere come buona pratica contro la descriminazione nella professione / GENDERED LANGUAGE AGAINST DISCRIMINATION
7th march 2019 / Italy -Bergamo – ARCHICHATNIGHT by RebelArchitette with Mariola Peretti, Barbara Ventura, Laura Bettinelli, Manuela Biffi
5 march 2019 TURIN – Panel and curatorial Politecnico di Torino – Valentino – DONNE E ARCHITETTURA / by RUN POLITO with SCEG ARCHITECTS, BDR BUREAU
15th september 2018 Tongxian China / ASIAN COLOUR FORUM / INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE & COLOUR
26 october 2018 Italy CARRARA / ARCHITETTURA E DONNE / Ordine Architetti PPeC della Provincia di Massa Carrara / con Cecilia Robustelli organizzato da Silvia Nicoli
28/29/30th September 2018 / Italy Rome- Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Roma WOMEN OUT OF JOINT a cura di Ilaria Bussoni, Cristiana Collu, Rosa Jijón, promosso e organizzato dalla Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Roma e dall’IILA /
8th june 2018 Italy Turin / INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM MOMOWO Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement /
16th October 2012 Bergamo Italy / ICONEMI 2012 / Comune di Bergamo by Mariola Peretti / SOCIAL NETWORKS, LANDSCAPES & VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES /
ARCHDAILY International Women’s Day 2022: On Rebalancing Forces and Adjusting the Narrative by Christele Harrouk
ARTRIBUNE by Valentina Silvestrini
LIVING by Valentina Silvestrini
ELLE DECOR by Carlotta Marelli
KOOZARCH by Federica Zambeletti
DOMUS by Louise Bravermann, Caroline James, Francesca Perani
THE WALKMAN interview by Jacopo Di Criscio